Olympiad – Class VIII – English - Adverbs

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Question - 1

Read the passage given below and choose the correct option that can replace the underlined portion.
It was raining cats and dogs._____, we were in a car and my uncle had the situation under control.
We passed slowly by an oil-palm estate. My uncle drove very carefully. He had all the lights on.
Overhead, black clouds hovered ominously. Lightning streaked across the sky and onto the distant hills. The ensuing thunder rumbled unceasingly Some flashes of lightning came uncomfortably close and the resulting thunderclap was deafening, even with all our windows up.

  • A Usually
  • B Singularly
  • C Enormously
  • D Fortunately

Question - 2

Read the passage given below and choose the correct option that can replace the underlined portion.
It was raining cats and dogs.Fortunately, we were in a car and my uncle had the situation under control.
We passed ______by an oil-palm estate. My uncle drove very carefully. He had all the lights on.
Overhead, black clouds hovered ominously. Lightning streaked across the sky and onto the distant hills. The ensuing thunder rumbled unceasingly Some flashes of lightning came uncomfortably close and the resulting thunderclap was deafening, even with all our windows up.

  • A deliberately
  • B deftly
  • C evenly
  • D slowly

Question - 3

Read the passage given below and choose the correct option that can replace the underlined portion.
It was raining cats and dogs.Fortunately, we were in a car and my uncle had the situation under control.
We passed slowly by an oil-palm estate. My uncle drove very ______. He had all the lights on.
Overhead, black clouds hovered ominously. Lightning streaked across the sky and onto the distant hills. The ensuing thunder rumbled unceasingly Some flashes of lightning came uncomfortably close and the resulting thunderclap was deafening, even with all our windows up.

  • A eagerly
  • B blindly
  • C carefully
  • D anxiously

Question - 4

Read the passage given below and choose the correct option that can replace the underlined portion.
It was raining cats and dogs.Fortunately, we were in a car and my uncle had the situation under control.
We passed slowly by an oil-palm estate. My uncle drove very carefully. He had all the lights on.
Overhead, black clouds hovered ______. Lightning streaked across the sky and onto the distant hills. The ensuing thunder rumbled unceasingly Some flashes of lightning came uncomfortably close and the resulting thunderclap was deafening, even with all our windows up.

  • A frantically
  • B ominously
  • C tremendously
  • D mortally

Question - 5

Read the passage given below and choose the correct option that can replace the underlined portion.
It was raining cats and dogs.Fortunately, we were in a car and my uncle had the situation under control.
We passed slowly by an oil-palm estate. My uncle drove very carefully. He had all the lights on.
Overhead, black clouds hovered ominously. Lightning streaked across the sky and onto the distant hills. The ensuing thunder rumbled _____Some flashes of lightning came uncomfortably close and the resulting thunderclap was deafening, even with all our windows up.

  • A wildly
  • B terrifica
  • C unceasingly
  • D steadily

Question - 6

Read the passage given below and choose the correct option that can replace the underlined portion.
It was raining cats and dogs.Fortunately, we were in a car and my uncle had the situation under control.
We passed slowly by an oil-palm estate. My uncle drove very carefully. He had all the lights on.
Overhead, black clouds hovered ominously. Lightning streaked across the sky and onto the distant hills. The ensuing thunder rumbled unceasingly Some flashes of lightning came ______close and the resulting thunderclap was deafening, even with all our windows up.

  • A hopelessly
  • B uncomfortably
  • C mysteriously
  • D perfectly

Question - 7

Read the passage given below and choose the correct option that can replace the underlined portion
It was _____cold to go outside but we played outside. I was ill so I had to stay in bed. The doctor examined me very carefully. He prescribed me the most bitter medicine during my illness, I was very irritated but mom was too patient to get angry at me.

  • A very
  • B more
  • C too
  • D quite

Question - 8

Read the passage given below and choose the correct option that can replace the underlined portion
It was too cold to go outside but we played outside. I was ill _____I had to stay in bed. The doctor examined me very carefully. He prescribed me the most bitter medicine during my illness, I was very irritated but mom was too patient to get angry at me.

  • A most
  • B so
  • C too
  • D very

Question - 9

Read the passage given below and choose the correct option that can replace the underlined portion
It was too cold to go outside but we played outside. I was ill so I had to stay in bed. The doctor examined me _____carefully. He prescribed me the most bitter medicine during my illness, I was very irritated but mom was too patient to get angry at me.

  • A very
  • B so
  • C more
  • D too

Question - 10

Read the passage given below and choose the correct option that can replace the underlined portion
It was too cold to go outside but we played outside. I was ill so I had to stay in bed. The doctor examined me very carefully. He prescribed me the _____bitter medicine during my illness, I was very irritated but mom was too patient to get angry at me.

  • A most
  • B quite
  • C too
  • D very