Bank - Reasoning - Coding - Decoding

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Question - 1

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

In a certain code language 'led so ta na' is written as 'India is rich country', 'ta pa na phi' is written as 'people country call rich' and 'pa ta rob zi' is written as 'call him rich man'

What is the code for 'India'?

  • A so
  • B led
  • C ta
  • D Either so or led
  • E na

Question - 2

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

In a certain code language 'led so ta na' is written as 'India is rich country', 'ta pa na phi' is written as 'people country call rich' and 'pa ta rob zi' is written as 'call him rich man'

How is 'people' written in that code language?

  • A ta
  • B phi
  • C na
  • D Can't be determined
  • E None of these

Question - 3

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:
In a certain code language 'led so ta na' is written as 'India is rich country', 'ta pa na phi' is written as 'people country call rich' and 'pa ta rob zi' is written as 'call him rich man'.

What would be 'pa phi rob zi' called in that code lanuguage?

  • A call hin India
  • B call people rich man
  • C call people man him
  • D call people India him
  • E None of these

Question - 4

Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:

In a certain code 'ke pa lo ti' means 'lamp is burning bright' and 'lo si ti ba ke' means 'bright light is from lamp'. which of te following is the code for 'burning' in that following language

  • A si
  • B pa
  • C ti
  • D ke
  • E None of these

Question - 5

Read the given information carefully and answer the question given below.

In a certain code 'watch daily news' is coded as 'ml sit pee', 'daily newspaper' is coded as 'sit ml gi le' and 'important news' is coded as 'sit on'.

'sit gi le on' could be a code for which of the following?

  • A important watch news daily
  • B newspaper daily read
  • C watch daily news read
  • D Can't be determined
  • E None of these

Question - 6

Read the given information carefully and answer the question given below.

In a certain code 'watch daily news' is coded as 'ml sit pee', 'daily newspaper' is coded as 'sit ml gi le' and 'important news' is coded as 'sit on'.

What does the code 'pee' stand for?

  • A read
  • B paper
  • C daily
  • D watch
  • E important

Question - 7

In certain language 'na re pa so' means 'books are very interesting' 'ka so fa re' means 'are stories in books' and 'te me pa le' means 'reading is very tedious'.  What does 'na' mean in that language?

  • A Interesting
  • B reading
  • C very
  • D books
  • E are

Question - 8

In a certain code, 'can you read this' is written as 'can @ read # this * you $'. How will 'can be true or' be written in the same code?

  • A or @ true # can * be $
  • B be $ can * or # true @
  • C be @ can * or # true $
  • D be $ can # or * true @
  • E be @ can # or * true $

Question - 9

In a certain code language 'how often you come' is written as 'ja ha ta na' and 'how do you read' is written as 'sa ma ha ta'. how is 'often' written in that code language?

  • A ja
  • B na
  • C ja or na
  • D Data inadequate
  • E None of these

Question - 10

In a certain code language 'Siberia is a cold place' is written as 'a cold is place Siberia' and in the same code, 'water freezes to ice here' is coded as 'freezes here ice to water' How will 'covers ten percent of Earth' be written in the same code?

  • A covers earth per cent ten of
  • B earth of covers
  • C covers earth per cent of ten
  • D covers earth of per cent ten
  • E covers earth ten of per cent