Grammar - Comprehension

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Question - 1

Select the correct answer given under passage
Rama's parents were humble and financially weak. But Rama was found of reading books but his financial position did not allow him to buy books. so, he worked as a long grade servant in a library and read books there.
Rama came

  • A middle-class
  • B poor
  • C well-to-do
  • D None of these

Question - 2

Select the correct answer given under passage
Arjuna was a great archer capable of aiming objects even at a great distance. He was great in shooting arrows as he concentrated his attention fully well on the target, His aim never failed.
His arrow hit................straight.

  • A bird
  • B tree
  • C target
  • D object

Question - 3

Select the correct answer given under passage
Bacteria algae and fungi represent the earliest stages in the development of life on earth. They originated in the ocean; now they are found in takes also.
Bacteria, algae and fungi are found in.......also.

  • A rivers
  • B wells
  • C floods
  • D lakes

Question - 4

Select the correct answer given under passage
A mask in a covering for the head or face.It was used by primitive tribes to ensure a good harvest, a safe hunt and to ward off evil.
Mask was used to ensure a.......hunt.

  • A safer
  • B safest
  • C safe
  • D more safe

Question - 5

Select the correct answer given under passage
Winston Churchill was lecturing in Canada when the amplifying system broke down. Angry cries of 'Louder,'Louder' began at once.

  • A Churchill's lecture was boring
  • B The audience did not like the loud speaker
  • C They were unable to hear him as the amplifier failed.
  • D It was time for them to go

Question - 6

Select the correct answer given under passage
Newspapers are printed in large numbers as advertisements keep them financially strong. So newspapers are priced low.
Advertisements.......the newspapers financially strong.

  • A keeps
  • B has kept
  • C keep
  • D does keeps

Question - 7

Select the correct answer given under passage
Any world hereafter means total destruction of our civilization. It is possible as modern weapons of war can destroy even a big nation like India in a few seconds.

  • A Modern Weapons of war are powerful to destroy any nation
  • B Small nations can escape destruction
  • C Big nations only want wars
  • D Civilization rise and fall

Question - 8

Select the correct answer given under passage
Elephants are found in India and Africa. The elephants in India are beautiful though the tusks are small. Even the ears are small when compared with those of African elephants.
The elephants in Africa have.................

  • A long trunks
  • B long tusks
  • C small tusks
  • D medium sized tusks

Question - 9

Select the correct answer given under passage
Refrigerators were considered as luxurious as they were costly and so the rich housed only could afford a fridge. Now-a-days they are no longer luxuries.They are necessary.
Refrigerators were........................ in the past.

  • A Cheap
  • B very cheap
  • C costly
  • D more costly

Question - 10

Select the correct answer given under passage
Modern age means the period of international conflicts and growing terrorism. It is due to the progress of science. It has put more destructive powers in our hands.

  • A Science has not progresses
  • B Man has become a terrorist
  • C There are conflicts only at the local level
  • D Man has become more powerful in causing destruction